What Feeds Your Soul? - Guest post by Tayler Harris

My dear friend, Tayler Harris of Tayler Anne Knits, has written a post for us sharing what feeds her soul. She designed a beautiful vest for us called Ferron using Shel Designs Organic Fingering and Suri Silk 328. You can find yarn bundles for her vest here.

When reflecting on the question, “what feeds your soul,” a simple answer always floats to the forefront of my mind…creating.


I’ve never known a life without creating. Ever since I was a little girl, having a creative outlet has been not just a hobby, but a necessity, and a way to ease my anxiety, and fill me with joy. 


The creative process has become an essential part of my everyday life, with knitting being right at the top. The repetitive motions, the subtle clicking of the needles, the feeling of yarn running through my fingers, and the accomplishment I feel seeing the piece come to life gives me comfort and peace. It is meditative and puts me into a calm that truly melts my anxiety and worries away.


In a world that can be overwhelming, creating helps me focus and brings me happiness. It helps me be a better human.


Shellie Anderson